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Chinese Experience no. 9
Tsinghua University International Sculpture Exhibition
Beijing, April 2011

The Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, celebrated its 100th anniversary producing an international Sculpture exhibition, which included 100 sculptures. They invited 100 artists, 60 from China and 40 from around the world, who contributed their works and constructed their sculptures on the huge campus ground. Tsinghua University is one of the most famous and leading universities in China. Its tradition goes back a 100 years and is manifested in its high level of studies, the quantity of students and courses, the buildings, facilities and now the international sculpture park.  

Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Razvan Mincu - Romania
Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Kurt - Switzerland
Dina Merhav
Filin - Bulgaria
Dina Merhav
Ogata - Japan
Dina Merhav
Barlow - USA

Dina Merhav

Dina Merhav - Israel
Dina Merhav
Tanya Preminger - Israel

We where invited for the festive opening celebration of the exhibition and sculpture park.
It was an inspiring meeting with old friends and colleagues as well as new faces and new friendships.
The opening was exiting and we received certificates.

Dina Merhav Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav Dina Merhav

The ceremonies included several festive dinners

Dina Merhav Dina Merhav

On the day of my arrival with two colleagues from Romania, we went for a nice walk in the streets of Beijing

Dina Merhav Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav

and especially enjoyed visiting the Olympic International Park, where I wanted to visit my sculpture Totem, which was installed there in 2008 for the Olympic Games.

Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav with two colleagues, Sava Stoianov and Razvan Mincu
Dina Merhav

With two of my colleagues, Tania Preminger from Israel and Sava Stoianov from Romania, we decided to visit the Great wall. It was their first visit to the wall, while for me it was the fourth one. It is one of the world's wonders, with its mysterious atmosphere, you can feel the soul of history and the breath of thousands years of hard human work.  It is amazing to walk there with so many people, all of them exited and enthusiastic about the wall itself and its merging with the surrounding landscape.

Dina Merhav Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
Dina Merhav
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