Segal Israeli
Born – Haifa, 1944, fifth generation in Israel
Until 1984 – basketball player in the national
basketball league (Maccabi Haifa).
From 1985 – worked in art, principally sculpture,
with various materials.
1998 – BA in creative arts, Haifa University.
From 1997 – sculpt in iron with an individual technique
based on cutting, welding and assembly of a basic shapes,
the chief of component of the technique being the “softening”
of the material and its “domestication” into
the desired shape.
Selected exhibition:
1998 – Gallery in the passageway, University of
Haifa (group show)
1999 – 05 – Route of art work, Wadi Nisnas-Biet
Hagefen, Arab-Jewish Center, Haifa.
2000 – “Soft iron”, Beit Hagefen Gallery,
2001 – Knights Halls, Acco.
2002 – Song of Ascending – Okashi Museum of
art, Akko.
2003 – Maritime Museum, Haifa (group show).
2003 – “Grouth” group exhibition of
environmental sculpture Agrexco, trade fair,
Tel Aviv.
2004 – On the point of the spruce – photographs,
Haifa Theater.
2006 – A Present for Eve & daughters –
Seamgallery, Art gallery, Moshav Megadim.
2006- "Grouth" , group exhibition, photography
+ sculpture. APEX Hotel- Edinburgh
Outdoor sculptures:
Sculpture Garden. Open Museum, Tefen.
“Castra” – Freud street, Haifa.
Wadi street, Haifa.
Rishpon Steps, Haifa.
Yavin farm, Moshav Ein Habasor.
Ein Hod artists’ Village.
Jerusalem Eve, Jafe
Scalpture Garden, Medicl Center, Tel Hashomer.