Ein Hod main page  

Irit Segal Israeli

Also at - http://www.iritsiart.com/?about.html



Irit Segal Israeli
Born – Haifa, 1944, fifth generation in Israel

Until 1984 – basketball player in the national basketball league (Maccabi Haifa).
From 1985 – worked in art, principally sculpture, with various materials.
1998 – BA in creative arts, Haifa University.
From 1997 – sculpt in iron with an individual technique based on cutting, welding and assembly of a basic shapes, the chief of component of the technique being the “softening” of the material and its “domestication” into the desired shape.

Selected exhibition:
1998 – Gallery in the passageway, University of Haifa (group show)
1999 – 05 – Route of art work, Wadi Nisnas-Biet Hagefen, Arab-Jewish Center, Haifa.
2000 – “Soft iron”, Beit Hagefen Gallery, Haifa.
2001 – Knights Halls, Acco.
2002 – Song of Ascending – Okashi Museum of art, Akko.
2003 – Maritime Museum, Haifa (group show).
2003 – “Grouth” group exhibition of environmental sculpture Agrexco, trade fair,
Tel Aviv.
2004 – On the point of the spruce – photographs, Haifa Theater.
2006 – A Present for Eve & daughters – Seamgallery, Art gallery, Moshav Megadim.
2006- "Grouth" , group exhibition, photography + sculpture. APEX Hotel- Edinburgh

Outdoor sculptures:
Sculpture Garden. Open Museum, Tefen.
“Castra” – Freud street, Haifa.
Wadi street, Haifa.
Rishpon Steps, Haifa.
Yavin farm, Moshav Ein Habasor.
Ein Hod artists’ Village.
Jerusalem Eve, Jafe
Scalpture Garden, Medicl Center, Tel Hashomer.

Contact Irit Segal Israeli for more information: 23 Leah Goldberg Street, Haifa
Tel: 972-4- 8343401 Fax: 972-4- 8341092 Cellular: 972-505-524903
E-mail: iritisra@actcom.co.il